< The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them. >
–– Albert Einstein

All the online sessions are interactive and designed to respond to your questions about our unique concepts applicable to the situations you find yourself in. Concrete examples are given. The concepts are developed in-depth. You will find below the main topics covered.
The detailed program of the sessions is in this Pdf document:
Managing emotions
_ Understanding our mode of functioning.
_ Combating negative thoughts.
_ Developing our allies.
_ Increasing our self-esteem.
Managing our personal and professional lives
_ 4 indispensable concepts to manage our lives and our relations.
_ Managing our time.
_ Creating options, communicating effectively, reasoning strategically.
Attaining one's objectives
_ The creation of an objective.
_ Your real objective.
_ Defining the steps to our objective, evaluating our motivation.
_ Creativity: how to use our right brain, seat of our creativity.
Techniques of control and relativity
_ Managing stress and difficult situations.
_ How to keep things in perspective.
_ Mastering Illusion – to attain one's objectives (at work, in our private lives).
Adapting to change
_ What is our real objective in life?
_ Change, an inevitable happening.
_ Understanding change, accepting it, adapting to it.
_ Crisis management.
Power and Leadership
_ The management of paradox: understanding paradox to achieve balance.
_ Invisible Leadership: how to create our own environment.
_ The use of power.
Broadening one's knowledge
_ For a better understanding of our environment.
_ For better communication.
_ For a global vision of our life, events.
< Because of the furious pace of change in business today, difficult to manage relationships sabotage business
more than anything else –– it is not a question of strategy that gets us into trouble, it is a question of emotions. >
–– John P. Kotter, award winning business and management thought leader of Harvard Business School
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